Security News > 2022 > April > Protect your environment with deception and honeytokens

Deception technology works best when it is difficult to remotely tell the difference between a real system or something that is fake, he explained: That way, the attacker wastes time on the decoy.
"Either way the goal of deception technology is to significantly increase the costs for the attacker whilst reducing that of the defender," said Bevington.
Microsoft has been using deception techniques for quite some time, because so many attackers try to get into Microsoft services and customer accounts.
Exposing an open Docker API server found attackers who used the Weave Scope monitoring framework to compromise containers, and other deception technologies revealed how IoT like Mozi and Trickbot attack IoT devices.
Alongside deceiving real attackers into going after fake resources, you can also see what a real attack would be like, for example simulating denial of service attacks on resources you protect with Azure services using services like Red Button or BreakingPoint Cloud.
Using what you learn about how attackers behave from deception techniques to protect your real resources can help you stay a step ahead..
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