Security News > 2022 > April > 60% of BYOD companies face serious security risks

60% of BYOD companies face serious security risks
2022-04-21 02:00

Ninety-eight percent of BYOD companies say they compensate employees for the use of their personal mobile devices, with the average stipend now reaching $40.20 per month.

Companies opting for a BYOD approach report spending $893 per employee annually, when combining stipends, in-house and outsourced management, and MDM software.

Across a range of metrics, companies opting for a BYOD approach seem to be lagging when it comes to benefits accrued from mobile.

Asked how sophisticated they view their own use of mobile, 34 percent of BYOD companies believe they are lagging, more than double the rate of those who issue smartphones to some or all employees.

BYOD often means devices that are unmanaged, and that is putting business data at serious risk.

While BYOD may save companies in direct costs, company-issued devices provide a clear upside in terms productivity, device management, data security and, potentially, growth and retention.

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