Security News > 2022 > April > Paying ransom doesn’t guarantee data recovery

Paying ransom doesn’t guarantee data recovery
2022-04-07 05:30

Other key findings Of the respondents that said their organization paid a cyber ransom to regain access to data, applications, and/or systems after an attack, only 14% were able to recover all of their data.

87% of respondents who made ransom payments said that they experienced additional extortion attempts beyond the initial ransomware demand.

31% of respondent organizations targeted by ransomware indicated that application user and permission misconfigurations were the initial point of compromise.

87% of respondents are very or somewhat concerned about their backups being infected by ransomware attacks.

"While data backups are essential for ensuring business continuity in the event of a successful ransomware attack, their value makes them prime targets of ransomware infection themselves," said Sam Gutmann, CEO of OwnBackup.

"By storing backups outside of production on an independent platform, companies can not only keep them safe from a potentially devastating cyberattack, but also avoid having to pay a ransom to get their data back. It's also important to remember that data security is a team sport, and that IT, InfoSec, CISOs and others must work in unison to truly prevent attacks."

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