Security News > 2022 > April > FIN7 hacking group 'pen tester' sentenced to 5 years in prison

FIN7 hacking group 'pen tester' sentenced to 5 years in prison
2022-04-07 21:00

"Denys Iarmak, a Ukrainian member and a"pen tester for the FIN7 financially-motivated hacking group, was sentenced on Thursday to 5 years in prison for breaching victims' networks and stealing credit card information for roughly two years, between November 2016 and November 2018.

Iarmak is the third FIN7 member sentenced in the US after Fedir Hladyr received ten years in prison on April 16, 2021, and Andrii Kolpakov got seven years on June 24, 2021, following their 2018 arrest.

Using such tools he provided guidance to and tracked FIN7 members' progress while breaching their targets' networks, uploading the stolen data to the cybercrime gang's servers.

Since first spotted in mid-2015, the FIN7 financially-motivated hacking group has mainly targeted banks and European and US companies' point-of-sale terminals from various industry sectors with the multi-functional Carbanak backdoor.

Even though some FIN7 members have been arrested over the years, the cybercrime group is still active and has since moved to use other malware strains and tactics.

Two years ago, FIN7 operators also impersonated Best Buy while mailing similar packages with malicious flash drives via USPS to hotels, restaurants, and retail businesses.

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