Security News > 2022 > April > Developers do not view application security as a top priority, study finds

Developers do not view application security as a top priority, study finds
2022-04-06 12:12

Developers do not view application security as a top priority, study finds.

According to Secure Code Warrior's State of Developer-Driven Security 2022 survey, 86% of developers said they do not view application security as a top priority when writing code.

The survey of over 1,200 developers also found that more than half of the respondents said they are unable to guarantee their code is safe from common security vulnerabilities.

"To reach a higher standard of code quality, organizations must formalize secure coding standards as they apply to developers, and guide a change in behavior that reinforces good coding patterns and enables security at speed."

If developers are provided the training necessary to code while eliminating vulnerabilities, it can lead to organizations having fewer security breaches and help avoid the headaches associated with those cyberattacks in the future.

Also See Share: Developers do not view application security as a top priority, study finds.

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