Security News > 2022 > March > Privid: A Privacy-Preserving Surveillance Video Analytics System

Privid: A Privacy-Preserving Surveillance Video Analytics System
2022-03-29 05:15

A group of academics has designed a new system known as "Privid" that enables video analytics in a privacy-preserving manner to combat concerns with invasive tracking.

"People are already worried about location privacy with GPS - video data in aggregate could capture not only your location history, but also moods, behaviors, and more at each location," Cangialosi added.

Privid is built on the foundation of differential privacy, a statistical technique that makes it possible to collect and share aggregate information about users, while safeguarding individual privacy.

The querying framework involves an approach called duration-based privacy wherein the target video is chopped temporally into chunks of same duration that's then fed separately into the analyst's video processing module to produce the "Noisy" aggregate result.

"In building Privid, we do not advocate for the increase of public video surveillance and analysis. Instead, we observe that it is already prevalent, and is driven by strong economic and public safety incentives," the researchers concluded.

"Consequently, it is undeniable that the analysis of public video will continue, and thus, it is paramount that we provide tools to improve the privacy landscape for such analytics."

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