Security News > 2022 > March > Attackers have come to love APIs as much as developers

Attackers have come to love APIs as much as developers
2022-03-17 05:30

Cequence Security released a report revealing that both developers and attackers have made the shift to APIs.

After analyzing some of the most interesting bot attacks throughout 2021, it's clear that attackers have come to love APIs just as much as developers.

"The bottom line is that enterprises will remain at a high risk of losing valuable data, customer loyalty and revenue until they invest adequate resources into securing their APIs. Attackers aren't slowing down any time soon, and it's time businesses match that rate of innovation."

Attack trend one: Fraud comes in many forms Gift card fraud, loan fraud and payment fraud.

When investigating a loan application fraud attack, attackers were seen using the sub accounts feature on public email domains such as Gmail to create 3,000 email addresses which were then used to submit multiple loan applications distributed across multiple IP addresses.

The CQ Prime Threat Research Team helped a retail customer fend off a series of attacks over a three-month period that typified the extent to which attackers will modify their efforts in order to achieve success.

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