Security News > 2022 > March > Adafruit discloses data leak from ex-employee's GitHub repo

Adafruit has disclosed a data leak that occurred due to a publicly-viewable GitHub repository.
On Friday, March 4th, Adafruit announced that a publicly-accessible GitHub repository contained a data set comprising information on some user accounts.
Interestingly, the data leak did not occur from Adafruit's GitHub repository but that of a former employee.
"Within 15 minutes of being notified about the inadvertent disclosure, Adafruit worked with the former employee, deleted the relevant GitHub repository and the Adafruit team began the forensic process to determine what and if there was any access and what type of data was involved," explained the company.
Last year, e-commerce giant Mercari had suffered a data leak via their private GitHub repo exposing over 17,000 customer records including banking information.
Rapid7 also suffered a data leak via private GitHub repo impacting a "Small subset of customers."