Security News > 2022 > March > Details of '120,000 Russian soldiers' leaked by Ukrainian media

Details of '120,000 Russian soldiers' leaked by Ukrainian media
2022-03-02 19:59

Ukrainian news agency Ukrainska Pravda has claimed the nation's Centre for Defence Strategies think tank has obtained the online personal details of 120,000 Russian servicemen fighting in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian news agency said the think tank obtained the personnel records from "Reliable sources." Whether or not the database is real, the impact on Russian military morale - knowing that your country's enemies have your personal details and can contact your family if you're captured, killed, or even still alive - won't be insignificant.

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine progresses, or not, cyber-attacks orchestrated by or for the benefit of the Kremlin against Ukraine and the West appear limited, while on the ground, more than 2,000 civilians have been killed, according to Ukrainian officials.

The online assaults against Ukraine of late represent Russia's "Long-standing campaign of cyber harassment of the country over the past decade, rather than a serious escalation of it," he wrote.

"Even though cyber operations have featured to an unexpectedly small extent in the conflict so far, the West still remains at higher risk of serious disruption - as distinct from catastrophic attack - via the cyber domain than it was before the invasion," he said.

Secureworks' senior security researcher Tony Adams said: "Cybercriminal groups have warned of retaliatory attacks against Western organisations in response to Russian sanctions or possible cyber operations targeting Russia as demonstration of support for Ukraine. Their motivations may shift from money to motherland but they'll employ the same capabilities and techniques used in destructive wiper attacks, ransomware, and name-and-shame operations seen over the past few years."

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