Security News > 2022 > January > Happy Data Privacy Day – and we really do mean “happy” :-)

Happy Data Privacy Day – and we really do mean “happy” :-)
2022-01-28 19:34

We're going to say it anyway: "Happy Data Privacy Day!".

GET TO KNOW YOUR PRIVACY CONTROLS. Take the time to learn what privacy controls are available in all the apps and online services you use.

Every app and every social network seems to do things differently, with privacy and security options often scattered liberally across numerous Settings pages.

Try turning off as many data sharing options off as you can, and only turn them back on if you decide you really want and need them.

DECIDE WHAT YOUR DATA IS REALLY WORTH. Sometimes, a service may demand you to share more than you are willing to hand over - your address, phone number or birthday, for example.

Whether it's a romance scammer who falsely claims to love you, or a newfound "Business associate" who has fraudulently pitched you a "Job" in their "Company", don't let FOMO triumph over JOMO. ADVICE YOU CAN SHARE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Are you in the tricky position of having friends or family whom you think have been ensnared by scammers online, but who won't give you the time of day because they think you're deliberately trying to puncture their dreams?

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