Security News > 2022 > January > A Trip to the Dark Site — Leak Sites Analyzed

This is a unique form of cybercrime in that we can observe and analyze some of the criminal action via 'victim shaming' leak sites.
Since January 2020, we have applied ourselves to identifying as many of these sites as possible to record and document the victims who feature on them.
Striking where the money is: Leak threats by country.
As a general rule of thumb, the ranking of a country in our data set tracks the relative GDP of that country.
The conclusion we draw from this, is that the relative number of victims in a country is simply a function of the number of online businesses in that country.
This suggests again that any and every business can expect to be targeted, and that the primary deciding factor of becoming a leak site victim is the ability of the business to withstand attack and recover from compromise.
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