Security News > 2021 > December > The retail sector needs to know when and not if it will be hacked

From social media-influenced sales and app-based mobile purchases to cloud migration, the retail industry is shaped by the purchasing behavior of its customers.
All of this data is stored on the cloud, and 77 percent of retailers acknowledge cloud security is a major challenge, making it the number one strategic challenge in the retail industry this year - up from number 14 in 2020.
Of further concern for the retail industry is a recent attack on Ikea, which shows how even basic attacks such as phishing and email security aren't off the table.
Today, many retail organizations are investing billions of dollars yet still depend on traditional means to prevent modern cyberattacks.
While 69 percent of retail sector CISOs believe cybersecurity is a priority, they need to unify cybersecurity efforts across their organizations to improve their posture.
While cloud services create efficiencies, reduce computing costs, and improve data management, retailers also need to keep in mind that a cloud presence requires security by design.