Security News > 2021 > December > How to avoid being a hacker's next target when using social media

How to avoid being a hacker's next target when using social media
2021-12-03 13:29

While the context of my article involved recreational social media, it's just as critical to protect yourself on business social media such as LinkedIn.

Adrien Gendre, chief product officer at Vade, a cybersecurity company, said, "The risk of oversharing on social media lies not only in what you share publicly, but also what you share with the platforms privately. For example, when setting up a social media account, you might include your birthdate, which helps hackers since many people include their date of birth in their passwords."

In the context of business social media such as LinkedIn, operate from a minimalist's perspective and only provide the information needed to represent yourself to your network and prospective employers.

For a business social media profile picture, I recommend a simple photo of yourself in professional attire.

Last but not least, never make disparaging comments about your employer or anyone else for that matter when using business social media.

Always act on business social media as you would act in the office: professional, courteous and polite to all.

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