Security News > 2021 > November > What Avengers Movies Can Teach Us About Cybersecurity

What Avengers Movies Can Teach Us About Cybersecurity
2021-11-23 04:26

IPs are their faceless proxy army and if you want to get to the attackers, you need first to burn that IP army down.

Most attacks leave traces in different systems, service or application logs that can give indications on the attacker's IPs and attack types.

Your IDS will detect their activity in your logs, and if you have an efficient IPS, you might block those IPs from doing further damage.

How about you share those Ultron IPs with your neighbor? Or all other people on Earth? How about all people on Earth will preventively block those IPs? Ultron's army can not do any more harm.

Cybersecurity is an asymmetric game with attackers always having the initiative, making the problem hard to solve for most companies and people.

Basically put, users contribute with signals - IP activity flagged as suspicious: it can be anything from brute force to credit card stuffing or scalping through DDoS - and regularly receive an updated blocklist of IPs that are to be "Shot-at-sight" if they show up in logs.

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