Security News > 2021 > November > FBI warns of increased use of cryptocurrency ATMs, QR codes for fraud

FBI warns of increased use of cryptocurrency ATMs, QR codes for fraud
2021-11-05 13:55

The Federal Bureau of Investigation warns that victims of various fraud schemes are increasingly asked by criminals to use cryptocurrency ATMs and Quick Response codes, making it harder to recover their financial losses.

"The FBI has seen an increase in scammers directing victims to use physical cryptocurrency ATMs and digital QR codes to complete payment transactions," the federal law enforcement agency said.

Direct the victims to a physical cryptocurrency ATM to insert their money, purchase cryptocurrency, and use the provided QR code to auto-populate the recipient address.

The FBI urges all those who believe they've been the victim of a cryptocurrency ATM or QR code scam to report the fraud to their local FBI field office to get help from specially trained Victim Specialists.

Do not follow instructions from someone you have never met to scan a QR code and send payment via a physical cryptocurrency ATM. Do not respond to a caller, who claims to be a representative of a company, where you are an account holder, and who requests personal information or demands cryptocurrency.

Instructions to use cryptocurrency ATMs with these specific characteristics are a significant indicator of fraud.

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