Security News > 2021 > October > Good Grief! Ransomware gang has only gone and pwned the NRA – or so it claims

Good Grief! Ransomware gang has only gone and pwned the NRA – or so it claims
2021-10-28 11:39

Grief ransomware gang took to a dark portal website where it typically publishes the data of victims that haven't paid up, to identify its latest target: the National Rifle Association.

The ransomware gang, believed by the US Department of the Treasury to be a rebranded version of Russia-based Evil Corp, posted 13 documents it claimed it had filched from the NRA on the leak site and threatened to release more if the gun rights advocacy group didn't pay up.

The NRA has not issued a statement directly addressing the matter, nor responded to The Register's request for information it has been guilty of vague-tweeting.

"NRA does not discuss matters relating to its physical or electronic security. However, the NRA takes extraordinary measures to protect information regarding its members, donors, and operations - and is vigilant in doing so." - Andrew Arulanandam, managing dir.

Whether the ransomware gang attacked the NRA's central location or a smaller local branch is unknown, as is how it expects the rifle org to pay up when it claims to be bankrupt - although the claim has raised a few eyebrows.

Going after an organisation like the NRA has drawn some amusement from the internet and may prove to be a more public-relations friendly approach than Grief's usual go-to targets of school districts, governments and healthcare facilities.

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