Security News > 2021 > October > Navigating ethics in AI today to avoid regrets tomorrow

Navigating ethics in AI today to avoid regrets tomorrow
2021-10-26 05:30

Could an emphasis on ethics in AI go the same route? Or should organizations realize the risks-as well as their responsibilities-in putting powerful AI applications into use without addressing ethical concerns? Or is there another way to deal with yet another area of quality without the excessive burden?

AI starts out with no understanding of the impact of factors such as race, so if programmers haven't limited how data can be used by the AI, you can wind up with racial data being used, thus creating AI bias.

Considering the ethical and potential legal implications, it makes sense that privacy and ethics get folded into the same security process as organizations plan on how to address ethics.

As these and other programs move forward, new guidelines on ethics in AI are inevitable.

Successful AI ethics policies will likely depend on how well they are integrated with existing programs.

Enterprises should be addressing ethics and security together, leveraging systems and tools they use for security for ethics.

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