Security News > 2021 > October > University of Sunderland announces outage following cyberattack

University of Sunderland announces outage following cyberattack
2021-10-14 16:17

The University of Sunderland in the UK has announced extensive operational issues that have taken most of its IT systems down, attributing the problem to a cyber-attack.

University updateThe University continues to experience extensive IT issues which has all the hallmarks of a cyber-attack.

We have sent an email to the university to ask for more details about the type of the cyber-attack, but we have not heard back yet.

The University of Sunderland is a public research institute that has about 20,000 students, so the disruption from the cyber-attack affects a notable number of people.

Although the University of Sunderland hasn't mentioned a ransomware attack, the extensive outage that has been caused makes this scenario likely.

There has been a string of ransomware attacks on universities in the past year, with some notable examples from the region being the attacks against TU Dublin, and the Newcastle University.

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