Security News > 2021 > September > US agricultural co-op hit by ransomware, expects food supply chain disruption

US agricultural co-op hit by ransomware, expects food supply chain disruption
2021-09-21 09:59

New Cooperative Inc., an agricultural cooperative owned by Iowa corn and soy farmers, has been hit by the BlackMatter ransomware group.

The attackers are asking the co-op to pay $5,900,000 for the decryption key and not to release the stolen data.

What we know about the ransomware attack on New Cooperative?

Apparently, the co-op has been talking to the gang, trying to reason with them and convince them that despite their promises that they would not attack critical infrastructure, they did just that, and that the consequences could be a disruption to the food supply chain.

"This attack demonstrates just how deeply and broadly the US economy and supply chain is interconnected. Ransomware gangs feed on the psychological impact of putting businesses integral to the supply chain between a rock and a hard place, in order to make the choice to pay the ransom the easiest path forward."

Geyer advises companies involved in the food supply chain to make sure they have complete visibility into all of their systems and processes and to continuously monitor for any threats that could result from a targeted or opportunistic attack.

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