Security News > 2021 > September > Ransomware crims saying 'We'll burn your data if you get a negotiator' can't be legally paid off anyway

Ransomware crims saying 'We'll burn your data if you get a negotiator' can't be legally paid off anyway
2021-09-15 11:33

A couple of ransomware gangs have threatened to start deleting files if targeted companies call in professional negotiators to help lower prices for decryption tools.

After deploying a software payload on to a target's network to scramble all of its files, the criminals behind the ransomware demand a sizeable payment in cryptocurrency to provide a decryption utility - and to prevent sensitive corporate and/or personal data from being dumped online.

Threat analyst Brett Callow of infosec firm Emsisoft, who was quoted by RagnarLocker in its blog post demanding companies stop hiring ransomware negotiation experts, told The Register: "The fact that gangs don't want their victims to involve... [or] enlist help from negotiators or law enforcement is a solid indicator that that's exactly what they should do. Calling in helps organizations recover from incidents for the least amount of money."

Earlier this month, ransomware negotiator Nick Shah gave an interview to El Reg in which he suggested that most ransomware gangs' negotiating skills were quite weak.

Current UK government advice wavers between never paying off ransomware criminals and refusing to condemn cyber insurance companies whose policies will buy off criminal gangs.

Paying off ransomware crooks merely fuels their twisted trade and spurs them on to do it again.

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