Security News > 2021 > September > Phony COVID-19 vaccine card prices double following Biden mandate announcement

Quickly following the president's mandate announcement, the price of a phony CDC vaccination card shot up from $100 to $200, Check Point Research said on Friday.
In January, the phony vaccine card sales occurred mostly on the Dark Web, where you needed special software to access them, Ahmed said.
Sellers of these phony cards also know exactly how to exploit the propaganda and conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus vaccine.
One ad for a fake certificate falsely proclaims: "Covid Vaccine creates Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome in children. 4000 cases already confirmed. More vaccine cards for you and your children without getting jabbed."
Another ad claims: "The Supreme Court in The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not a Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has canceled universal vax. Always avoid any covid vaccine none is good for your health."
What the ads don't mention is that trying to use a phony vaccine card in a public venue is a crime, as explained by the FBI. Many people have already been arrested trying to pull off such a stunt, which carries with it fines of several thousand dollars and as many as five years in prison.