Security News > 2021 > September > Cybersecurity: Watch out for these unique fraudster tricks Loki would be proud of

Cybersecurity: Watch out for these unique fraudster tricks Loki would be proud of
2021-09-06 12:30

I thought how many "Variants" of Loki are online-albeit less charismatic-trying to pull off fraudulent tricks to bilk victims out of money or identity information.

The tricks are getting more unique as the related tools grow more complex and widely available.

I spoke about unique fraudster gimmicks with Rick Song, co-founder and CEO of Persona, an identity verification solution provider, and Johanna Baum, founder and CEO of security provider Strategic Security Solutions.

"Fraudsters can use deepfakes for bribery, to spread lies and misinformation or to pose as everyday individuals-such as someone you trust-in order to get personal information and login credentials. This enables them to open fake credit card accounts, take over existing accounts, steal money from unsuspecting victims or access entire databases of user information to sell on the dark web," he said.

Another example is called synthetic fraud, whereby a fraudster steals an Social Security number and combines it with fake information, such as a false name and date of birth, to create a false identity or biometric ID verification using artificial intelligence and other technology to mimic facial identities and fool facial recognition software.

"Baum said most information is available without any victim input:"Personal information is readily available from multiple social media platforms.

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