Security News > 2021 > September > FBI warns of ransomware gangs targeting food, agriculture orgs

FBI warns of ransomware gangs targeting food, agriculture orgs
2021-09-02 17:52

The FBI says ransomware gangs are actively targeting and disrupting the operations of organizations in the food and agriculture sector, causing financial loss and directly affecting the food supply chain.

Ransomware gangs started focusing their attacks against this industry sector after food and agriculture orgs have become increasingly dependent on smart tech, industrial control systems, and internet-based automation systems.

"Food and agriculture businesses victimized by ransomware suffer significant financial loss resulting from ransom payments, loss of productivity, and remediation costs," the FBI said.

In November 2020, a US-based international food and agriculture business reported it was unable to access multiple computer systems tied to their network due to a ransomware attack conducted by OnePercent Group threat actors using a phishing email with a malicious zip file attachment.

The FBI and CISA also urged organizations this week not to let down their defenses during weekends or holidays, given that ransomware gangs are increasingly more likely to hit their networks when everyone is out of office.

These warnings come after Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger urged US businesses to take ransomware seriously following the Colonial Pipeline and JBS ransomware attacks.

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