Security News > 2021 > September > Asset management investment to focus on technology and data infrastructure

Asset management investment to focus on technology and data infrastructure
2021-09-02 03:00

Investment in technology and data infrastructure sit at the top of asset managers' priorities as they position themselves to deliver business growth in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

56% say their investment will focus on these areas over the next 12 months and for 47% on ensuring ESG compliance across their product range.

The survey of global investment professionals across the asset management sector also reveals COVID-19 has pushed firms to review their IT strategies and transition to the public/hybrid cloud.

To improve levels of operational efficiency, firms are seeking seamless interconnection between functions along the investment value chain.

In the survey, 83% of asset managers say they will extend their strategic alliances with asset servicing and tech partners, enabling connection of middle- and back-office services straight to their front office tools and investment book of record.

AI and ML to deliver insignts across the asset management investment lifecycle.

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