Security News > 2021 > August > PacketFabric Cloud Router site-to-site VPN support expands enterprise cloud networking options

PacketFabric Cloud Router site-to-site VPN support expands enterprise cloud networking options
2021-08-12 00:30

PacketFabric announced that it has released native support of IPsec VPN tunnels as a connection type for its Cloud Router product.

"The cloud is all about scale and flexibility. But traditional cloud connectivity hasn't delivered scalability or flexibility. You've had to backhaul traffic through data centers, wait an entire ice age for circuits to provision, rely on unpredictable Internet, or deal with inflexible long-term telco-style contracts," said PacketFabric Chief Technology Officer and Chief Product Officer Anna Claiborne.

"The era of inflexible and convoluted cloud connectivity is over. With VPN and NAT support, Cloud Router makes it easy to connect your hybrid, multi-cloud, and enterprise SaaS architecture, as well as tie branch offices into your cloud-centric WAN.".

As more organizations evolve their WAN around a cloud core IT architecture, branch offices are connecting into that cloud core via a variety of methods, including SD-WAN, Secure Access Service Edge, and enterprise colocation WAN hubs.

Cloud Router VPN empowers enterprises with an easy, integrated way to connect branch offices into the cloud core.

Cloud Router offers a predictable pricing model based on bandwidth level, delivering up to a 40% reduction in cost on cloud on-ramps versus usage-based cloud egress charges.

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