Security News > 2021 > August > The value of PII and how it still fuels malign activities in the digital ecosystem

The value of PII and how it still fuels malign activities in the digital ecosystem
2021-08-10 03:00

The COVID-19 pandemic engendered new vulnerabilities in the digital ecosystem for threat actors to exploit, resulting in items like vaccines, fraudulent vaccine certificates, and other COVID-19 related items being sold in dark marketplaces and underground forums, a Constella Intelligence report reveals.

The research analyzed the value of personally identifiable information, drawing links between the breach economy, PII, and a range of emerging digital threats to executives and brands.

"As people continue to rely on digital solutions and working from home, both companies and individuals must take new precautions to protect themselves from potential threat actors."

Fortune 500 companies increasingly exposed to breaches Nearly 60% of the data breaches analyzed exposed some form of PII and 72% of these breaches included passwords.

Over 40% of executives from a sample of Fortune 500 companies in energy and telecommunications sectors were exposed in a breach over the last 5 years.

"Threat actors continue to find new ways to target individual and company data due to new vulnerabilities created in times of uncertainty and crisis. PII continues to fuel malign activities in the digital ecosystem," said Alex Romero, COO of Constella Intelligence.

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