Security News > 2021 > July > NSO Group Hacked

NSO Group Hacked
2021-07-20 18:50

NSO Group, the Israeli cyberweapons arms manufacturer behind the Pegasus spyware - used by authoritarian regimes around the world to spy on dissidents, journalists, human rights workers, and others - was hacked.

Most interesting is a list of over 50,000 phone numbers that were being spied on by NSO Group's software.

Why does NSO Group have that list? The obvious answer is that NSO Group provides spyware-as-a-service, and centralizes operations somehow.

Nicholas Weaver postulates that "Part of the reason that NSO keeps a master list of targetingis they hand it off to Israeli intelligence."

This isn't the first time NSO Group has been in the news.

NSO Group seems to be a completely deplorable company, so it's hard to have any sympathy for it.

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