Security News > 2021 > June > Consumers neglecting mobile security despite growing number of threats

Consumers neglecting mobile security despite growing number of threats
2021-06-29 03:30

This has led to an emphasis on consumers dependence on mobile devices, as they look to execute nearly all daily activities via devices while on-the-go, exposing them to most digital risks.

A new McAfee report reveals that 49% of U.S. consumers do not use mobile security software to protect their sensitive data, thus leaving them vulnerable to these increasingly advanced cyberattacks.

58% of U.S. consumers said they either do not know or do not feel secure when it comes to their mobile security - and only 36% have a clear understanding of the information stored in their mobile devices.

As a result of the pandemic-induced mobile activity, cybercriminals are launching sophisticated scams, targeted specifically at mobile devices and software.

Consumers mobile security best practices Do not reuse passwords, so that if one account is compromised, the others are still protected.

Use a mobile security solution to protect your mobile devices and personal data from cyberthreats, unsecured networks and malicious apps.

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