Security News > 2021 > June > Biden to Putin: Get your ransomware gangs under control and don’t you dare cyber-attack our infrastructure

Biden to Putin: Get your ransomware gangs under control and don’t you dare cyber-attack our infrastructure
2021-06-17 06:00

US President Joe Biden and his Russian Federation counterpart Vladimir Putin have traded barbs over cyber-attacks at a summit meeting staged yesterday in Switzerland.

Biden gave Putin a list of "16 specific entities defined as critical infrastructure under US policy, from the energy sector to our water systems."

The US President also raised the topic of ransomware, telling Putin "Responsible countries need to take action against criminals who conduct ransomware activities on their territory."

Russia's press conference transcript records Putin as saying the USA and Russia "Have agreed that we will begin consultations on this."

"We haven't received a single answer so far," Putin said.

Biden didn't echo Putin's remarks on cybersecurity "Consultation".

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