Security News > 2021 > June > Norton 360 antivirus now lets you mine Ethereum cryptocurrency

NortonLifelock has added the ability to mine Ethereum cryptocurrency directly within its Norton 360 antivirus program as a way to "Protect" users from malicious mining software.
When Norton Crypto is enabled, the software will use the device's graphics card to mine for Ethereum, which will then be transferred into a Norton wallet hosted in the cloud.
As the difficulty of mining Ethereum by yourself is very high, Norton users will likely be pooled together for greater chances of mining a block.
As cryptocurrency miners and related software are commonly flagged by antivirus software, Norton says that this feature allows users to mine Ethereum without sacrificing their security.
"As the crypto economy continues to become a more important part of our customers' lives, we want to empower them to mine cryptocurrency with Norton, a brand they trust," said Vincent Pilette, CEO of NortonLifeLock.
Norton 360 users who enable this feature to mine Ethereum may be in for a surprise during the tax season.