Security News > 2021 > May > Why cybersecurity products always defy traditional user reviews

Why cybersecurity products always defy traditional user reviews
2021-05-28 05:30

While academically interesting, it illustrates the difficulty in giving reviews to cybersecurity products in the endpoint protection category and trying to attribute a "Best" label to a specific product in a specific category.

Ignoring the fact they were conducted years ago and the threat actors have been disbanded, it highlights the increasing disconnect between labels attributed to a product and requirements that companies typically expect from an endpoint solution.

Taking these reports at face value, it would be easy to find the product that performed the "Best" and include this in your cybersecurity arsenal, but you'd be simply falling into the requirements trap that befalls many a company when acquiring technology: you're not basing any of these acquisitions on your requirements, but someone else's.

Once you have this, you can begin the long laborious process of product testing, proof of value and finding something that you can actually afford, which brings me to one of the important caveats that are missing from all product reviews: budget.

Pricing and cost are conspicuously absent from all product reviews.

The list also ignores the fact that endpoint products must cover things like USB control, DLP, application control, encryption and other such functionality companies expect out of an endpoint solution these days.

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