Security News > 2021 > May > Strategies for improving enterprise network management and security

Strategies for improving enterprise network management and security
2021-05-28 15:49

These five TechRepublic Premium downloads can help businesses large and small enact the right networking policies and hire the right people, as well as helping managed service providers and network professionals maintain their infrastructure without neglecting important steps.

Proper network security can never be achieved if even a single device or service is left unprotected or a proper disaster plan isn't in place.

This list takes network security professionals through all of the potential elements of a network that may need to be secured so they can start at the most essential level: Ensuring endpoints aren't neglected.

This sample network security policy can be adapted to fit particular business needs, and is also perfectly capable of being used out of the box.

A well-secured network is nothing without a well-qualified person running it.

Network administrators keep things running day to day, but architects are the people who make big picture decisions about the shape of the network itself, what new technologies to introduce, how to segment networks, and other key choices needed to keep things running quickly, efficiently and correctly.

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