Security News > 2021 > May > What Cybersecurity Can Learn From Video Games (Part II)

What Cybersecurity Can Learn From Video Games (Part II)
2021-05-27 19:05

I focused on interface usability and design principles focused on the human layer of cybersecurity, zeroing in specifically on comparing real-time strategy video games to what we do every day in cybersecurity.

Let's take the simple design principle of a traffic light and go back to the design principles of RTS video games.

There are lessons here cybersecurity could learn from RTS games and expectations we should have for cybersecurity's sophisticated and complicated world.

Should we expect more from our cybersecurity vendors around their usage of established design principles instead of them trying to create something new for the sake of being different or gimmicky? Interfaces can adopt commonly used design principles and still be unique and different.

In cybersecurity, we could use strong design principles more consistently across vendors and products, but how would these get adopted in reality? While customer expectations should drive the change, we do not have a great history in cybersecurity thus far.

Cybersecurity vendors should do more to draw professional design and UI/UX talent.

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