Security News > 2021 > May > What to do about open source vulnerabilities? Move fast, says Linux Foundation expert

What to do about open source vulnerabilities? Move fast, says Linux Foundation expert
2021-05-26 11:34

Automated testing and rapid deployment are critical to defending against vulnerabilities in open source software, said David Wheeler, director of Open Source Supply Chain Security at the Linux Foundation.

Wheeler referenced a 2021 report by software security and IoT company Synopsys which said there are an average of 528 open source components per application, that 84 per cent of codebases have at least one vulnerability, and the average number of vulnerabilities per codebase is 158.

"If you care about security you evaluate the software." Nevertheless, Wheeler said that open source is potentially more secure because of the long-standing secure software design principle that "The protection mechanism must not depend on attacker ignorance," as explained in a paper by Jerome Saltzer and Michael Schroeder in 1974.

This is true for closed source as well, but "There's a lot more open source software in use."

"There is no language that guarantees no vulnerabilities. That said, there are certain vulnerabiliites that are common in certain languages. C and C++ are not memory safe. In most languages, trying to access an array out of bounds will immediately be caught. Not so in C. That will turn into an instant potential for vulnerabilities C and C++ have a huge number of undefined behaviours," Wheeler said.

Once a vulnerability is discovered, how long do businesses have to update? "The CIO does not decide how fast you need to repair it. Your process does not decide. The person who decides is the attacker. The attacker decides when you need to fix it," said Wheeler.

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