Security News > 2021 > May > Cybersecurity, emerging technology and systemic risk: What it means for the medical device industry?

Cybersecurity, emerging technology and systemic risk: What it means for the medical device industry?
2021-05-21 05:30

Attackers in the medical device arena don't yet need to increase their sophistication because the vast majority of fielded medical devices have extremely easy-to-exploit vulnerabilities.

A personal goal of mine is that within 5 years, I can talk to any medical device developer about cybersecurity and find that they have comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of creating a secure device.

Velentium has launched a training certification process to train engineers, developers, and managers at medical device manufacturers and other embedded and IoT device designers, so they'll have qualified, knowledgeable cybersecurity expertise on-staff.

Of the 7,000-plus FDA-registered medical device manufacturers, we see the same representatives from the same two dozen companies at all the med-tech cybersecurity conferences and presentations.

Once or twice a month, we on-board a new medical device developer client who is surprised to be told that they have to secure their new medical device.

MDMs can now expect many cybersecurity questions in response to their premarket submission, and if this is the first time they have thought about security, their new medical device is going to be months or years late to the market.

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