Security News > 2021 > May > The 3 elements of a sound threat intelligence program

The 3 elements of a sound threat intelligence program
2021-05-20 17:27

To give themselves an edge, many organizations set up threat intelligence programs.

"I've seen a lot of threat intelligence programs that are just about pretty reports or some metric [such as] how many attacks we have seen on our website," said Shi.

"That's usually the beginning of it. A successful threat intelligence program is to not only see the signals but have a plan to execute to fix any problems or remediate a situation. If you've got a ransomware attack, how to pull out a playbook and execute it."

Because every organization has different security needs and requirements, there is no one-size-fits-all threat intelligence program.

The goal of the threat intelligence program isn't just visibility but improving the ability of security teams to take action by empowering cyber teams with the analytics tools they need to cut through the noise.

A successful threat intelligence program has many benefits beyond just keeping your data, applications and users safe.

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