Security News > 2021 > May > Lessons Learned From High-Profile Exploits

Lessons Learned From High-Profile Exploits
2021-05-20 18:52

Given the rapid expansion of the potential attack surface, the interconnection of devices and data across a larger digital environment, and the inconsistent and fragmented approach to security taken by many organizations, cybersecurity risk has never been greater.

In most cases, exploits targeting newly released vulnerabilities show up within a few hours of a vulnerability being made public.

While zero-day exploits are the most valued because they can target a vulnerability discovered by a cybercriminal and for which no patch currently exists, they are rare and expensive.

All of these and similar steps should geared toward a single goal: leveraging people, technology, and processes to quickly gather and correlate threat intelligence about active attacks on a network and to automatically respond using a coordinated strategy that leverages all relevant security and technologies regardless of where they are deployed.

Bad actors act quickly, so IT security teams must patch quickly, effectively, and comprehensively, because the bad guys only need one vulnerability to bring down the whole network.

Derek formulates security strategy with more than 15 years of cyber security experience behind him.

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