Security News > 2021 > May > NFTs are cool, but they're a hot target for hackers: How to keep them safe

NFTs are cool, but they're a hot target for hackers: How to keep them safe
2021-05-19 20:22

The NFTs are going to be stored in there, the owner of those NFTs and those things.

Karen Roby: Rick, expand a little bit on who's buying these, who's selling, who's involved within NFTs. Rick McElroy: When you look at some of these transactions, multiple millions of dollars invested, look, I think for artists themselves, it's pretty cool.

Karen Roby: Including the security talk here, what other advice do you have for people regarding NFTs? Rick McElroy: Number one, I think they should keep in mind that you're acting as your own bank in these cases, whether you're using cryptocurrency or something that leverages the same technology like NFTs. You are acting as a bank.

None of the NFTs that were stolen were, and so we'll continue to see regulations that will be helpful for things like NFT theft, but I think multi-factor authentication everywhere that you can get it is just a good piece of advice.

Karen Roby: Rick closing out, what do you see for NFTs say two, five years down the road?

Rick McElroy: Well, it's interesting right? I mean, NFTs are either going to be a thing or they won't.

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