Security News > 2021 > May > Expert: Sharing intelligence on threats helps everyone fight cyberattacks

Expert: Sharing intelligence on threats helps everyone fight cyberattacks
2021-05-19 15:39

Neal Dennis: There's a lot of good things out there that are kind of one-offs, or staging one-offs, when the campaigns in the cyberwar kick off.

You're kind of out in front of the threats as a community.

Then as these things start to cycle up and become bigger, they change minor things within the TTPs. So, if everybody's at least doing some level of automation and paying attention and sharing those little state changes, instead of it being impacting 50, 60 people in your industry vertical over the course of a week, it's now really one person at a time and you are kind of sharing the load and forcing the threat actors to change more rapidly, which can be a good or bad thing, but it raises their cost, lowers the burden on you from an information-sharing perspective to get the data out there and kind of help raise all ships if you will.

Karen Roby: Talk a little bit about, Neal, being more proactive versus so reactionary, which just kind of where we are right now, or most companies it seems are just reacting when something happens sometimes catastrophic things.

Going from reactive to proactive, grasping the understanding of that data and being able to kind of whittle away at the content that's available and make it more focused on your engagement.

SEE: Expert: Intel sharing is key to preventing more infrastructure cyberattacks.

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