Security News > 2021 > May > Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private Hands?

Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private Hands?
2021-05-17 11:00

Thus availablity, except out of very very small excursions from "Normal" does not exist in the corporate world.

The result as the US finds out more and more regularly, is critical infrastructure outages so often they are now considered "Normal".

"Critical" is another way of saying "To big to fail", which means that much of the corporate profits are predicated on either the "Hot potato game" or being "Bailed out" by "The insurer of last resort" which is normaly said to be "The Government" but is more correctly the citizens through taxation and wildly inflated costs in other areas.

Because if you do, those big fat grant funds they get from corporate backed "Think Tanks" for telling corporate types "Greed is good" but wrapped in psudo scientific / mathmatical mumbo jumbo, might just stop.

With softwood if you know what you are doing you can "Distill out" turpentine and other "Aromatics" that if painted on dryed wood act as preservatives and keep the shingles and wooden frame servicable for several decades.

Fresh flour if you dry it out when mixed in the right quantities with air, and subject to a small spark from static electricity from synthetic cloathing, can make for very powerfull explosions that will crush people to death in confined areas.

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