Security News > 2021 > May > Expert: Intel sharing is key to preventing more infrastructure cyberattacks

There's going to have to be a lot more new procedures developed, a lot better procedures developed to bridge the gap between operational technology and information technology to get those control systems where they need to be.
There's going to be a really good focus on what it means to be at that national, and even the regional levels within the control systems there, to start having more robust sharing of that information that's going on within these networks.
There's going to be a lot more push for information sharing behind that.
Karen Roby: As I touched on in the beginning, intel sharing, and this is something that you are immersed in and talking about a lot, and much of that coming from your past in the Marine Corps and working in cybersecurity.
When we talk about intel sharing, is that something that people in the industry, do you think, understand enough? Is this something that we're hearing about more and more, and will be layered in more and more?
You've got to get them over that cultural hurdle of sharing could potentially be bad because of either proprietary information or even legal teams are still constraining data that's being shared.