Security News > 2021 > May > How organizations can optimize cloud spend

How organizations can optimize cloud spend
2021-05-03 04:00

The agility of cloud deployments allows organizations to quickly scale their services to support demand, release new products or services to market, and subsequently improve profit margins and increase efficiencies.

The overall efficiency and flexibility of cloud allows organizations to only pay for what they use, increasing overall profitability, which is cited by 39% of respondents as a motivator behind cloud adoption.

As organizations migrate workloads to different cloud platforms, visibility and control into cloud environments becomes difficult to achieve, often leading to unforeseen costs - a key challenge for 81% of respondents.

This is the case for 57% of respondents who say cloud has resulted in unanticipated costs, and 35% of respondents who admit they are wasting IT spend due to the inefficient use of cloud platforms.

"Organizations increasingly find that the journey to cloud is not always a straight path. Cloud adoption comes with a learning curve and it is often difficult to address these challenges with existing internal IT resources," states Philbert Shih, Managing Director at Structure Research.

The data suggests that cloud deployments without expert guidance from a Managed Service Partner can increase associated costs if cloud optimization is not a fundamental principle from the start.

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