Security News > 2021 > April > A data-driven look at the key developments shaping the future of work

A data-driven look at the key developments shaping the future of work
2021-04-27 03:00

Five key trends shaping the workforce and learning landscape in the year ahead Companies renew focus on worker resilience.

The top areas where HR professionals are actively using or exploring AI-enabled tools include competency assessments and hiring process management, employee self-service tools and career pathway modeling.

"Despite some misperceptions and misgivings, AI-enabled technologies and data-driven tools will increasingly play a role in learning and career development," said Tim Herbert, EVP for research and market intelligence at CompTIA. "The quest to move beyond mundane one-size-fits-all approaches with greater personalization and flexibility has the potential to further cultivate a continuous learning mindset for both workers and employers."

A strong majority of HR professionals report support for relaxing or eliminating the four-year degree requirement for job candidates.

With most HR professionals expecting to be in hiring mode over the next 12 months, especially for technology roles and sales, marketing or customer service roles, the need to consider alternative learning and career pathways is apparent.

A net 83% of HR professionals indicate the will consider candidates for IT support and helpdesk positions without a four-year degree, with similar levels of consideration for related positions in data and databases, software or web development and cybersecurity.

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