Security News > 2021 > April > Man Arrested for AWS Bomb Plot

Man Arrested for AWS Bomb Plot
2021-04-12 20:01

Seth Aaron Pendley was arrested in Ft. Worth after allegedly attempting to get an explosive device from an undercover FBI employee in a sting.

The feds were alerted to Pendley after a concerned citizen contacted them on Jan. 8 about posts from Pendley on, a forum dedicated to organizing militia groups.

The concerned citizen provided the FBI with that user's email address, which law enforcement traced back to Pendley.

On March 31, the confidential source introduced Pendley to an undercover FBI employee posing as an explosives supplier.

The employee recorded conversations in which Pendley allegedly said he planned to attack infrastructure that he believed provided services to the CIA, FBI and other federal agencies, to bring down "The oligarchy" controlling the United States.

After the agent showed Pendley how to supposedly arm and detonate the devices, Pendley loaded them into his car, at which point he was arrested.

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