Security News > 2021 > April > The Week in Ransomware - April 9th 2021 - Massive ransom demands

The Week in Ransomware - April 9th 2021 - Massive ransom demands
2021-04-09 20:47

Ransomware attacks continue over the past two weeks with a continuation of the massive initial ransom demands we have seen recently.

As ransomware stalks the manufacturing sector, victims are still keeping quiet In addition to Norsk Hydro, CyberScoop requested interviews with a dozen manufacturers in Europe and the U.S. that have reportedly had their production disrupted by ransomware incidents in the last two and half years.

The National College of Ireland and the Technological University of Dublin have announced that ransomware attacks hit their IT systems.

April 9th 2021 Leading cosmetics group Pierre Fabre hit with $25 million ransomware attack.

Leading French pharmaceutical group Pierre Fabre suffered a REvil ransomware attack where the threat actors initially demanded a $25 million ransom, BleepingComputer learned today.

Maze/Egregor ransomware cartel estimated to have made $75 million The group behind the Maze and Egregor ransomware operations are believed to have earned at least $75 million worth of Bitcoin from ransom payments following intrusions at companies all over the world.

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