Security News > 2021 > March > New infosec products of the week: March 26, 2021

New infosec products of the week: March 26, 2021
2021-03-26 06:30

Magic WAN with Magic Firewall gives customers of all sizes a one-stop-shop to connect and secure data, devices, offices, cloud networks, and more without relying on hardware boxes.

Magic WAN is a SaaS solution that connects any traffic source to Cloudflare's global network for secure, fast connectivity, and Magic Firewall integrates with it to enforce security rules across all traffic.

Noction Intelligent Routing Platform 3.11 focuses on the new remote-triggered blackholing feature, which allows the redirection of traffic to a non-existent resource, or the blocking of the unwanted traffic in a provider's network, thus preventing such traffic from entering the IRP user's network.

IBM launches new and enhanced services to simplify hybrid cloud security.

IBM Security announced new and enhanced services designed to help organizations manage their cloud security strategy, policies and controls across hybrid cloud environments.

Without any code changes or performance impact on the user experience, Snowflake customers can now leverage Baffle's transparent data protection layer to secure their entire data pipeline as source data is migrated to Snowflake and used for data analytics.

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