Security News > 2021 > March > From Maidenhead to Morocco: In a change to the scheduled programming, we bring you The On Call of Dreams

From Maidenhead to Morocco: In a change to the scheduled programming, we bring you The On Call of Dreams
2021-03-19 08:15

Our story takes us to the fine British market town of Maidenhead, where our hero, who for reasons that will become clear we will call "Humphrey", was toiling away for a well-known telecommunications company.

Young, keen, and bereft of cash, Humphrey volunteered for every bit of On Call duty he could, occasionally managing to double his salary in a month.

Garbed in Hawaiian shirt and carrying the override disk as well as any Apple-related gear he thought might come in handy, Humphrey was flown to Casablanca.

A bit of an odd sight for a helpdesk employee fresh out of Maidenhead, but Humphrey said he knew better than to question a local.

The computer gear was given a cursory glance, but Humphrey's wallet attracted far greater interest.

Back to work after his days off in lieu and Humphrey was presented with an expenses form to complete.

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