Security News > 2021 > March > 85% of workers are looking forward to returning to the office

85% of workers are looking forward to returning to the office
2021-03-11 08:54

At the 1 year mark of quarantine, 85% of office workers are looking forward to returning to the office in some capacity, according to Eden Workplace.

The survey was conducted by Wakefield Research and involved 1,000 nationally representative U.S. full- and part-time office workers ages 18+ between February 9th and February 17th 2021.

As the availability of COVID-19 vaccines has elevated discussions about employees returning to the office, the survey reveals 52% of office workers report socializing with colleagues as their top reason for wanting to return to the office.

While 90% of non-white office workers expressed that they were looking forward to returning to the office, the results for white office workers were slightly lower at 84%. In terms of education, those with a college degree were the most likely to want to return at 90%. The survey results also feature a number of insights related to safety, including that 61% of respondents want strict enforcement of COVID-related workplace regulations by their employers.

66% of office workers will not be comfortable with in-person meetings unless everyone in attendance is at least six feet apart.

"Working from home clearly has its place, but the drive among workers to be among peers and colleagues is extraordinary. The timeline for a full return to the office is fluid, but it seems that we have turned a corner. It is therefore critical that employers invest in the proper technologies to help them manage their space and keep their employees safe."

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