Security News > 2021 > March > Infrastructure modernization remains the biggest use case for enterprise open source

Infrastructure modernization remains the biggest use case for enterprise open source
2021-03-02 17:11

Infrastructure modernization remains the most important use case for enterprise open source for the third consecutive year, according to Red Hat's newly released State of Enterprise Open Source Report.

"The two are closely related because new applications are a big part of digital transformation. Taken together, they clearly demonstrate that organizations are using enterprise open source for strategic purposes, not just for infrastructure 'plumbing,'" the report said.

In addition to the 30% who cited better security as a top three benefit, 87% of respondents said they see enterprise open source as "More secure" or "As secure" as proprietary software.

In terms of risk management, 84% indicated that enterprise open source "Is a key part of my organization's security strategy," the report said.

The processes associated with enterprise open source specifically are also reflected in the 55% majority who said that EOS is more secure than community-based open source.

Respondents seem to place trust in the security of open source software to help handle these threats, with 83% using enterprise open source in production, the report said.

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