Security News > 2021 > February > AI Infrastructure Alliance brings together top technologists across the AI spectrum

AI Infrastructure Alliance brings together top technologists across the AI spectrum
2021-02-26 00:00

This global Alliance brings together top technologists across the AI spectrum and includes a wide range of member companies.

Partnerships in the Alliance will help create a Canonical Stack for AI, by driving strong engineering standards and creating seamless integration points between various layers of the AI infrastructure ecosystem.

The Alliance came together to help those data science teams break out of lock-in so they can build on top of a standardized, open platform that works across all of their environments.

"The AI Infrastructure Alliance will help create clarity in this confusing space by building a cohesive framework and bringing together leaders and innovators to help set the standard for how data science teams build models now, and into the future."

LEARN - Individual data scientists and data engineers get together in the real world and the digital world to connect, network, learn, share, and find jobs and collaboration partners.

"Creating a place for top AI companies to work together will speed development of the infrastructure that businesses really need to make the promise of AI a reality," said Joey Zwicker, Co-Founder of Pachyderm, a founding member of the AIIA. "As the Canonical Stack comes together, it will vastly reduce time to value for any company, in any industry, that's leveraging AI across their business."

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